Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Gone Girl

A few weeks ago I mentioned a great book that I had just finished. Gone Girl.
I really struggled to get through the first part of the book but after about half, I couldn't put it down. Not to mention it was one of those books that you wanted to remember every good quote that you read.

One of my favorite things about reading on my iPad is that I can take screen shots and save those wonderful little nuggets in my photos.

One particular part really stood out to me. And don't worry, if you haven't read the book this wont spoil anything. (The two main characters are Nick, and Amy.)


Nick just wanted me to be happy, thats all, very pure.
Maybe I mistook that for laziness. I just want you to be happy, Amy.
How many times did he say that and I took it to mean: I just want you to be happy, Amy, because that is less work for me.
But maybe I was unfair. Well, not unfair but confused. No one Ive loved has ever not had an agenda. So how could I know?

Nick and I fit together. I am a little too much and he is a little too little. I am a thorn bush, bristling from the over-attention of my parents and he is a man of a million little fatherly stab wounds, and my thorns fit perfectly into them.
I need to get home to him.


Im a little too much copy

So when they say they just want us to be happy. They may just mean it.


Monday, October 29, 2012

Halloween 2012: Hello Monday

Hello to a new week.
You don't seem so daunting after a great weekend.


me and dalton

Pumpkins 2012

Left side 2012

Right side2012

carving 2012

2012Kyle and Dalton

Im linking up with Lisa for Hello Monday


Friday, October 26, 2012

High Five for Friday

Thanks for stopping back...Lets celebrate Friday together.

As if a 95% Midterm grade wasn't enough to celebrate about? This is fridge material
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We learned some water color techniques in my art class this week. Im finding myself looking more forward to that art class each week. I feel so relaxed after quietly creating.
paint copy

The giraffe and her baby are beautiful. I cant get enough. You can get the link in my post from Tuesday.
girraffe copy

I love getting etsy mail. Its always something great. The contents of this will be used for a future DIY. (insert cliff hanger)

Dalton loves mini muffins. I decided to be all "domestic",whatever that means, and whip up some mixed berry mini muffins. Not to shabby if I do say so myself.
muffins copy

We are headed home for the weekend. It is my brother and my grandmas birthday today. Looking forward to some good food and some relaxation.

Linking up at From My Grey Desk


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Giraffe Cam

Have you been watching the giraffe cam?
We sure have! I turned it on last night to see what was happening and it looked pretty normal and then mama giraffe turned around and two little long legs were coming out.

(If you live under a rock and don't know what I am talking about, there was a pregnant giraffe at the Greenville zoo in South Carolina and they have been doing a live camera feed to show the world this beautiful momma giraffe give birth)

Now that you have come out from under the rock...
She gave birth last night. Im sure you can find that part on youtube but you can watch the live feed here.

After she gave birth the mom sort of ran away and I just wanted someone to swoop in and clear the fluids from around the little giraffe. I know thats not how nature works. And they let nature run its course. Within about 20 minutes, mini giraffe was starting to move.

mini is now standing, wobbly, but standing. and oh so adorable.



Monday, October 22, 2012

Dandelion Root Detox


I had started to hear all benefits of the dandelion root. I researched a little and found that the price is not only reasonable, but it comes in a tea bag form. I tried drinking just the tea. If you like that earthy, dirt taste, dandelion root is for you.

Thats when I decided that in order to get through the 16 tea bags that I had I needed to add something. I chose lemons and limes. It helped. A lot. Hence why I am finally sharing it with you.

I used 3 limes and 1 lemon. The mix was good, but pretty sour. Feel free to adjust to your liking.


I purchased my tea bags at GNC for 5.95 or something like that.
I filled a tea kettle and boiled water. I then poured the boiling water into a bowl and taped 10 tea bags to the side so they could steep.

I let them steep for 10 or so minutes. I put the tea in the fridge to cool and then mixed it with the lemons and limes in the pitcher.


No, I wasn't on the toilet all day or anything. Although I drank my first glass at night just to be sure I wouldn't miss class the next day. My tummy rumbled a little bit but in no way was I ever uncomfortable or rushing to the bathroom. It does make you feel more regular so if thats what you are looking for, try it.

If your looking to loose quick water weight, this isn't the way to do it. I didn't loose any weight but I do feel quite a bit better.

You can choose to drink it hot or cold. I opted for hot most of the time. I did drink a little bit of it cold and it wasn't too bad. But by drinking it hot, I tried to fool myself that it was actually coffee. Haha thats funny. It didn't work.

Feel free to leave comments if you have any questions.

Enjoy...or at least try to.

Friday, October 19, 2012

High Five for Friday

Just ordered the supplies for this little craft.

A detox recipe. I will be sure to share next week

I have been trying to cut out junk food before bed. My new favorite sweet snack before bed is frozen grapes. Just a perfect amount of guilt free sweetness.

Love getting happy mail from my mom

Found this little cutie on the anthro website. I think it just might be frame worthy. Maybe a little addition to my desk decor?

Im linking up with Lauren.
Come check it out.


Thursday, October 18, 2012

{A DIY} Live Letters

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My chalkboard needed some sprucing up. I haven't been enjoying my most recent ideas on the board (quotes, pictures) so I decided to stick with something Im good at. Colored paper.

This really isn't a DIY because it doesn't really need explaining but we all need one of those easy crafts every once and awhile. And let me tell you it really spruced up my boring chalkboard.

I use the bebas font size 500. You can download that font here.




Its amazing how a simple touch can make your space feel extraordinary.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

78 years young.

My beautiful grandma will be turning 78 next week. My brother shares the same birthday as her. Something he has always treasured.
You can read my previous posts here and here.

grandma copy 2

They gave her four to six months and she completed 8 weeks of radiation.
At home hospice care has been a life saver for my mom and my aunt. They aren't left with every hard decision and the stress of taking care of their sick mom has been lifted off their shoulders.

Recent struggles:
Weight loss
Back and shoulder pain
Slight confusion

Triumphs? She doesn't hold anything back. It makes us giggle all the time. I asked her if it was weird for her when the at home nurses would give her a shower. She quickly responded with well I wash my own face and privates. and she also has been so happy because the nurse massages her back for her after she gets out of the shower. I tell you they really are amazing. If nothing else they make her smile.

She has the best cravings too. My mom brought over a pan of her favorite frosted brownies and after a few days there was almost nothing left. She is under 90 pounds so anytime something sounds good we are sure to get it for her. She has my mom stop every morning before work and bring her a donut.

She has still been getting out on friday nights to her favorite supper club. Last friday she even had the whole bar singing happy birthday to her. What ever it takes to make grandma smile.


Monday, October 15, 2012

Hello Monday

hello to beautiful trees around campus...

hello to house progress...

hello to finally finding the perfect camera for my lifestyle...

time to save my pennies.

happy monday

im linking up here.


Sunday, October 14, 2012

white flag.

Thats right.
I surrender. The 31 day challenge just isn't for me. Its too much to commit to. I know, I know, I have come this far and I should just try to stick it out. But part of my whole goal of "getting real" was to be more honest with my readers and with myself.

It has also shown me that one of my new goals needs is to try and be a more organized blogger. I hope that you learned a little more about me throughout this attempt and I hope you aren't too disappointed. Im pretty disappointed with myself.

Maybe by next year I will have the will power, and hopefully the organization to keep it going. For now... I will press onward with the random postings of before. Enjoy.

If you really loved the 31 days posts, Gussy Sews is doing a really great series on a handmade business in 31 days. Check that one out.


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Day 10: On finding inspiration

about finding inspiration.

Do you ever search through your pinterest and find yourself feeling inspired? Whether it be to spruce up your outfit or try a new craft or rearrange you living room or organize your closet or maybe its just words of encouragement.

(Every once and awhile I feel overwhelmed with all of the stuff I want to make or craft and I know I just cant get to it all)

But usually I close my safari page feeling inspired.

I showed you my pennant banner and then I saw this one on pinterest. My mom has been asking me to make a pennant banner for her office. I think she would love this delicate lace look.


Nothing like a little fall fashion inspiration, right?


I wish I could explain to you how excited I am to have "my own place." It may be awhile but gosh am I excited.

(This website has really cute ideas but is in another language...weird I know)



Too much inspiration. I know lets get real. My house will probably never be that clean and I will probably never get up early enough to look that adorable. We can aspire cant we?

You can follow me on pinterest here.


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Day 9: Religion

About religion.
I talked here about politics. That was a little scary. Equally as scary is talking about religion. Is it ok if I throw a statement out there? ok here it goes. I feel like most bloggers are significantly religious. I know, I know its not true about all bloggers and I have found many that aren't.

My mom went to catholic school until high school. She was married in a Catholic church. Both my brother and I were baptized in the catholic church. We both also received first communion and confession in the catholic church. I guess you could consider us catholic. But I wouldn't say "satisfied" with our religion. My brother was invited by a friend to go on a mission trip with an ELCA Lutheran church. He agreed. We were so impressed by the youth group programs at this church. Not to mention the overwhelming acceptance change. Gay couples? In a church? You betcha. A woman pastor? How could this be? It was amazing. I felt so welcome and our family felt a sense of belonging. The politics behind the catholic church was one of our reasons we left the church. After being confirmed Lutheran and becoming a member of the church it felt right.

But I think the sense of belonging was the only thing that kept me in the church at all. It wasn't my devout belief in God. Im not really sure what I believe. I guess the only way to describe it is I believe that when I die. I die. Thats the end. I wont enter the pearly gates of heaven or the fiery pits of hell. That will be it. Im not really sure what will happen. I don't believe in giving the church money to "reserve" my spot in heaven. And if God is so redeeming, why is it wrong to be gay? Or have a woman pastor? Or be married and preach the word of God. There is just so much that doesn't make sense to me and probably never will. The funny thing is that my brother feels exactly the same way. And my mom is accepting of that. And its great.


I think religion is the wrong word for it. How about believing. What do you believe in?

I believe in inner beauty.
I believe in falling in love hard and fast.
I believe in the power of passion.
I believe that a good book can cure just about anything.
I believe that love comes from the strangest places sometimes. But thats usually when it feels right.

I suppose thats real enough for one morning. Thanks for sticking with me whether you agree or disagree. I will stick with you no matter what too.

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