Sunday, December 30, 2012

A Christmas Round-up

A much overdue post regarding this past holiday known as Christmas...

If you are the type of person that as soon as its midnight on Christmas you are taking down the tree and the lights, dont read this post. I like to hold on to the holidays for as long as possible. Hence holding these pictures tightly in my grasp.

I suppose the fact that new years is only like 2 days away is enough reason to finally post about christmas.

This christmas was full of new things. A new house and new feelings. Lets also not forget my first stab at fudge and mustache straws for christmas eve.

As a child of divorced parents, the past few christmas's have been a bit hectic. It always seems like there are so many people to please and so little time. I made sure not to complain though because I love every ounce of undivided family time. That may be a stretch...

Christmas eve: Spent at my aunts on my moms side of the family. My grandparents used to host it but with the passing of both of them in the past few years, we have switched locations to my aunts house. We wanted to keep Christmas light and fun this year and try to keep some of the stress out of the whole holiday. Ugly sweaters and white elephant gifts for everyone.

Christmas morning: Breakfast and opening presents with my mom, step dad, and brother.

Christmas afternoon: Opening presents with Dalton and his family. The place was absolutely covered in wrapping paper.I once again set aside my feelings of all the waste that was laying on the ground and all the time and effort put into wrapping every single present. There are a lot of people at that gathering. Sometimes it seems like Cheaper by the Dozen in this household.

Christmas evening: Spent with my dads side of the family. We used to do crab legs for dinner but wowza has the price of seafood gone up in the past few years. We swallowed our pride and had spaghetti and meatballs instead.


Thursday, December 27, 2012

An Unexpected Brake

As I strolled through Target yesturday afternoon I realized that I hadnt really thought about blogging for quite some time. As of last Wednesday I am on winter break. The night we got home Wisconsin was dumped on by the biggest snow storm we have seen since 1992. Dalton was out all plowing all night and I snuggled in to wrap some presents. The next day was nothing but a lazy snow day. It felt fabulous.

It isnt that I havent had anything to post about, its more about finding the time to post. So many wonderful things have been happening in the past few days, including christmas. I have so many pictures and moments to share with my readers and I am looking forward to sitting down and recording all of this years holiday memories. But today is not the day.

I hope your holiday was filled with pure joy. Mine was.


Monday, December 17, 2012

GFC Blog Hop

This week I am beyond honored to be apart of such a great link up. Its a great way to create community among all of us bloggers. We keep the rules simple. So read on and link up.

It's Tuesday again which means it's time for the GFC Blog Hop!

When I want to follow a blog the first thing I look for is GFC (Google Friend Connect), it's so easy and  nice to be able to go and see all of the blogs you follow in one spot. It's really a great tool to have. 

One side note- Did you know you can follow through GFC using your Twitter Account? TRUE, it's definitely an option!

Ok, so let's get to the party, shall we?

RULES are simple:

1. Follow your host via GFC
The First link below

2. Follow your co-hosts via GFC
The Next 8 links below

3. Link up below using your main blog url not a specific post.

4. Make sure to visit some of the blogs in the link up and follow them via GFC 
and if you want to leave them a comment, I'm sure they'd appreciate that as well.

5. Tweet about this blog hop

6. Share about this blog hop by grabbing a button and putting it on your sidebar!

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Friday, December 14, 2012

High Five

High five because its friday people.


1. A park near our house has a holiday lights display every year. I think its a must do during the holidays. Dalton had never been. His words as we exited "I was expecting better." I aim to please. It doesn't always work.
2. A long to do list was made for this week. (Finals are next week) Many things were crossed off. It felt lovely.
3. Daltons parents moved into their brand spankin new house last weekend. We had brand new sheets and a brand new house. The bed felt wonderful. Not to mention we were absolutely whipped from moving all day.
4. Cute packaging for all my hair ties. Cant wait to give those away.
5. Our first snowfall happened on friday. I cant believe it is December and we are still seeing temperatures in the 40's. Take that all you global warming skeptics.

Im linking up with Lauren at From my Grey Desk for High Five for Friday.


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Christmas List: Books

I found myself putting a lot of "coffee table" type books on my christmas list this year. Doesn't that sound all grown up? Im sure my mother was impressed. And should I mention I don't even have a coffee table?
Minor details people, minor details.

Go out and by someone a completely silly but oh so lovely coffee table book. Who knows if they even have a coffee table. Ah, whatever. The books are cute with or without a coffee table.


Friday, December 7, 2012

Favorite Holiday Fonts

Here are some of my favorite holiday fonts. Download away!
I thought they would be wonderful to make gift tags for christmas presents or for making your own christmas card. Or just to type your final paper in. Well, Im not sure the professors would enjoy a paper written in the Faux Snow font. Bah Humbug

These are the actual names and links. They are all free to download.
Think of this as my christmas gift to you!
1. Lavendaria
2. Christmas Card
3. Santa's Sleigh
4. Dalle
5. Faux Snow


Happy Friday


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Mint Grasshopper


This is a great holiday recipe whether your entertaining or eating one out of a wine glass in bed. You can guess which I prefer.

2 scoops vanilla ice cream
1 shot creme de menthe
1 shot creme de cocoa

Blend and Serve.

We just used a gallon of ice cream and separated into thirds adding the shots as we went. We didnt follow the recipe exactly we just taste tested as we went. We ended up only using about a quarter of each bottle for a whole gallon of ice cream and they are perfectly sweet but strong. Let your tongue be the judge.


Monday, December 3, 2012

Whats happenin'

So, lots has been going on around here.
Hence the small amount of posts. Im not apologizing though because life has been just plain crazy.

I figured I would solve this by having slight diarrhea of the mouth and covering everything that has been happenin' in my life the past few weeks.
Lets say hello to monday together.

My cousin and I were in charge of making picture boards for my grandmas funeral. It was honestly so therapeutic. Not to mention we found out that my grandma never denied a party. Hence the dino sized bottle of champange in the center of the picture. Im guessing that also explains the glazed over look in my grandmas eyes. It was fun to see this.

My cousin, the picture board master. Also several months pregnant.

On a different note, Daltons mom's house is almost finished. The move in date is set for next weekend. Its amazing to see the building a house process. Way to many decisions for me. Ill stick to dreaming of an old farmhouse.

I ordered a gift for my mom from oh hello friend. I couldn't get over the adorable packaging. I would show the gift but I don't want mom to read this and find out. NO peaking before christmas.

Can you believe it is December already. Its almost 60 in Wisconsin today. We aren't used to this kind of weather in December. Im kinda missing snow (shhh don't tell anyone I said that)

Is all of your christmas shopping done? I just have a few people left. The hard ones of course. Then its wrapping, wrapping, wrapping for a few days. Its one of my favorite parts of the holidays. I love wrapping presents. Ive thought about being one of those volunteers at the mall who will wrap your presents for free. But then I figure I would get one of those obnoxious shaped boxes from victoria's secret and have absolutely no idea where to begin.

See my two favorite december desktop calendars here and here. They're tied. I just cant decide.

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