Sunday, September 30, 2012

Day 1: Lets Get Real

I did it. I took the plunge. I accepted the 31 day challenge. You can read more about this at Nesting Place.

Took make this relatively easy concept even easier, The 31 day challenge is basically where I pick a topic and write posts on that topic for every day of October.

I wanted to choose a topic that was broad enough to write 31 posts about but not to broad that it becomes hard to cover.

I've been debating ideas for the past week. I thought about doing 31 posts about fall. I thought about doing 31 posts about college life but I settled with something that I felt I had some really good ideas for. Lets Get Real. I sometimes feel like I dont show my readers enough of the real me. The real things that I think about everyday and I think by getting real with my readers they will be able to better connect with me, and vice versa.

I may hate this experience but how will I know until I try? Im not quite sure how I am going to like the whole posting on the weekends, because normally I never post on the weekends and I am most definitely not organized enough to have them prepared in advance. First world problems.

I look forward to getting real with you readers. I hope you will get real along with me. And I've decided that I may discuss things that will turn some readers away but I need to do this for me. If I'm the only one still reading at the end of October, so be it. (But I really hope that doesn't happen.)

Lets get real together.


Friday, September 28, 2012

High Five for Friday

I havent linked up with Lauren in ages. It feels good to be back at High Five for Friday again.

So I Made the executive decision to participate in 31 days with The Nester. I'll admit, I still haven't chosen a topic but I am surprisingly excited about this little blog adventure.

I was scouring Pinterest the other day for some good quotes. I stumbled upon this picture as we just found out that my cousin is having a baby. Although I really want it to be a boy, this will be a necessity in the nursery.

I scored these LC leggings at Kohls for $11. Cant wait to wear them this fall.

I hated this book at first. I'll admit it. Now I'm almost finished and I cant put it down. You must read it.

As I shared earlier this week I have had a cold. Luckily yesterday the cold seemed to have disappeared and then today it felt like I was getting the stomach flu. After a few good naps and a diet pepsi I started to fell much better. Thank the lord.

Happy weekend....


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

How to deal.

How do us human beings survive everyday?
I feel like our society is surrounded by stress, how do i deal with that? I would consider myself mediocre when it comes to dealing with stress. Im not the totally spin out of control, run around with my head cut off type, but I don't always handle it in the best way. They say its genetic. Ya, lets go with that.
I guess every one "deals" in different ways.
But how do I "deal?"

How am I supposed to deal with ludacris amounts of math assignments on any given night. How am I supposed to deal with having bloody noses every 3 minutes as a result of an extremely bone dry dorm room. How am I supposed to deal with a difficult boyfriend. Im not sure when to leave him be or when to be there. Its hard to deal with. I guess Im probably hard to deal with too. Im not always sure how to deal with my roommates. Girls are hard to get along with. Plain and simple. Not to mention that we just had the biggest roommate blow out of the century. As in full out yelling and crying. For what? Because they didn't like the smell of the scentsy that was plugged in.

Yes this is what I am trying struggling to deal with.

resize 2

Im going to attempt yoga tomorrow. Its worth a shot right?
If nothing else, maybe it will help with my flexibility. Thats a whole other issue.

In other news...does anyone have any really good methods for stopping bloody noses?
I was taking dayquil it an attempt to stop my runny nose and then was informed that because that was drying me up, it was also fueling the bloody noses.
A girl cant win.


Monday, September 24, 2012

Tis the season.

Cold and flu season that is. And I'm infected.

Hello to herbal throat drops and Puffs

Hello to chamomile tea

Hello to delicious treats from my roommate.
She also brought apple cider donuts and pumpkin bars.

Hello to raisin toast.

Hello to a long list of to-do's....
And hoping that work lets me have this weekend off. Keep your fingers crossed, please?

Im linking up here today.


Friday, September 21, 2012

Caine's Cardboard Arcade

Just thought I would share one of my favorite things on this friday.
I know, its 10 minutes long but you wont regret it.

It gives me warm fuzzies inside.

I mean a fun pass? Who could pass that deal up.


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Manifesta to young women and girls

I have the best mom. I wish every post could start with that.
She never fails to give me the best words of advice. Sometimes its a simple text saying how proud she is of me, sometimes its a book she found that reminds her of me. And sometimes its just her reminding me just how awesome it it is to be a woman.

She tucked this in my boxes of stuff during my move a few weeks ago. I will cherish it forever. Share it with every little girl, young woman, teenager, young man, husband, grandparent, or best friend.

Heck just tell the whole world.


"Manifesta to Young Women and Girls”
An excerpt from I Am an Emotional Creature by Eve Ensler
(all added emphasis is mine)


Find a man
Seek protection
The world is scary
Don’t go out
You are weak
Don’t care so much
They’re only animals
Don’t be so intense
Don’t cry so much
You can’t trust anyone
Don’t talk to strangers
People will take advantage of you
Close your legs
Girls aren’t good with:
Making difficult decisions
Lifting things
Putting things together
International news
Flying planes
Being in charge.
If he rapes you, surrender,
you will get killed trying to defend yourself
Don’t travel alone
You are nothing without a man
Don’t make the first move,
wait for him to notice you
Don’t be too loud
Follow the crowd
Obey the laws
Don’t know too much
Tone it down
Find someone rich
It’s how you look that matters,
not what you think.


Everyone’s making everything up
There is no one in charge except for those
who pretend to be
No one is coming
No one is going to rescue you
Mind-read your needs
Know your body better than you

Always fight back
Ask for it
Say you want it
Cherish your solitude
Take trains by yourself to places
you’ve never been
Sleep out alone under the stars
Learn how to drive a stick shift
Go so far away that you stop being afraid of
not coming back
Say no when you don’t want to do something
Say yes if your instincts are strong
even if everyone around you disagrees
Decide whether you want to be liked or admired
Decide if fitting in is more important than finding out
what you’re doing here
Believe in kissing
Fight for tenderness
Care as much as you do
Cry as much as you want
Insist the world be theater
and love the drama
Take your time
Move as fast as you do
as long as it’s your speed.
Ask yourself these questions:
Why am I whispering when I have something to say?
Why am I adding a question mark at the end
of all my sentences?
Why am I apologizing every time I express my needs?
Why am I hunching over?
Starving myself when I love food?
Pretending it doesn’t mean that much to me?
Hurting myself when I mean to scream?
Why am I waiting
Fitting in?
You know the truth:
Sometimes it does hurt that much
Horses can feel love
Your mother wanted more than that
It’s easier to be mean than smart
But that isn’t who you are.

I hope you feel all warm and fuzzy. And hopefully a little empowered too.
I cant wait to share this to my little ones someday....

Thanks mom. Your the best.


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pennant Banner {a DIY}

Today I am sharing a quick and fun little craft with you.

I had bought two pads of adorable paper this summer at our downtown festival with the intentions of making one of these banners.

I showed you my desk here. But it just felt really blah. I needed some craftiness. I figured this would be the perfect time to make a Pennant Banner.

What will you need?
Hot glue gun, paper or fabric, string

Guess what? I didn't have any string. Guess what I used? Dental Floss. It worked spectacular. So if you want to use dental floss, you go right ahead and do that. I mean who actually flosses their teeth anyway?

Step 1: Cut out your triangles. If you want to be precise, you can measure out a template. I just eyeballed and cut a small piece of cardboard to use as my template. Clearly I'm not a perfectionist.
It took me about 12 triangles to cover about 2 feet of dental floss. You do the math.

Step 2: Lay out your string. I placed a piece of paper under my string so I wasn't hot gluing the triangles to my desk.

Step 3: Place a substantial strip of glue on the very top of the triangle. You have to press the string, or floss into the glue to ensure that it holds. I had to re-glue two or three of mine that didn't want to hold. I placed the triangles about an inch from each other.

Step 4: Let dry and hang. I made the second strand a few inches shorter than the first so I could layer them.

I even made a little one to go above my bed. I think it compliments Frank Sinatra very well.


Monday, September 17, 2012

Hello to random ramblings...

hello to much needed cups of coffee. how would we make it through life without coffee?

hello to fun football weekends, spent with my favorite people

hello to fresh baked cookies from my roommate.

hello to finding new fall recipes

hello to fun fall crafts to decorate my dorm room

hello to words of wisdom that make the week just a little bit easier

Photos without links are c/o my lovely iPhone. Follow me on instagram @storiesofagirl

Im linking up here.


Friday, September 14, 2012

Its friday after all

I really need to shower before my next class. If my hair gets any greasier it may just slip off my head. Even the dry shampoo isn't helping me out today. Thats bad.

So happy friday. I hope you were able to fit a shower in this morning. If I want to shower before my 8 am class I have to be up by 4:45 because one particular suite mate likes to spend 3 hours in the bathroom. I mean seriously.

I guess I should take my own advice.
At least I made it to friday. Props for that, al.

Also, my blogger friend and blog designer Aubrey has launched a page for her design work. She is offering some great FREE printable's at major member marks. Head over to check out her design work.


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Inspiration Workshop: A DIY Repost

Maggie at Gussy Sews asked us to post our favorite DIY for this months inspiration workshop. I posted this a few months ago and I have been enjoying my Mod Podge pots ever sense.
See? Right under my keyboard. They are being occupied by my numerous cords that were otherwise homeless.

Its the most simple DIY ever. Trust me and try it. They are simply adorable.

I found the idea for this project on pinterest. Shocker right?! Well it seemed so easy and cute and I just thought I had to try it. The only thing needed was some fabric, some mod podge, and some clay pots. I bought the smaller terra cotta pots because I wasn't sure how well they were going to turn out and I didn't want to have to buy an outrageous amount of fabric. Our local hobby lobby was having a fabric sale...Yay! So I bought 2 different patterned fabrics. The orange and white pattern was a little more thick and the finished product didn't feel as nice as the brown and green pattern which was a lighter weight fabric.

I just spread Mod Podge around the whole pot and cut a small square of fabric that seemed to be the right size.
I rolled the pot on the fabric and made sure to pull the sides tight. You end up with a sort of cone shape so I cut a significant amount off the top and bottom.

As you see above in picture 2, It helps to cut strips at the top so when you Mod Podge the outside you don't have puckers.

Now you can paste Mod Podge around the outside and make sure to cover every surface. I Mod Podged those strips to the inside of the pot too. The posts look like they are going to have a milky film around them but have no fear! It dries in a sort of clear glossy look. You can see this in picture 3.

Let them dry for 2 or so hours and you are good to go!

I think they are absolutely adorable and right now I have them perched on my shelf serving no particular function but Im thinking maybe some pea gravel and some pens or maybe a cute small indoor flower. So many possibilities :)



Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Be nosey, Its ok

Because I am the nosey person that I am, I always like when bloggers show pictures of their houses.

I guess that means I should share where I live. I mean the one of 10 different places.(exaggerating)

Here is my dorm room. Now keep in mind, limited space and roommates do affect the extent of decorating that I am allowed.

For some reason they just don't understand that my new fall gourds would look just darling on the kitchen counter. grr.

I also thoroughly apologize for the horrible quality of these pictures. A new camera is on the growing list of things I need want need.

I will show the kitchen and bathroom on another day maybe when my roommates are gone and I can put out some decorations. Even if its just for the pictures. It would make me feel better, ok?

Now go share some pictures of something that I could stick my nose into. I have nothing better to do so do share!

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