Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Buttons and Bobby pins

As I mentioned in a previous post, I've been working on crafts with stuff I have around the house.
 It seems more thrifty and creative this way. As summer rolls around and bangs become more of a nuisance, bobby pins become my savior! What would most girls do without them?? 

So this weeks 'to D.I.Y for' was really simple. All it took was a hot glue gun (which most college students, except me of course do not have in their dorms), some bobby pins, and some old buttons. Lucky for me my mom has quite the fascination with antique and vintage things so she has an old mason jar full of old buttons in our living room. It makes quite a cute and effective bookend as well!  ANYWAYS... the idea was to spruce up your old run of the mill bobby pins into something more well, chic I guess you could say.
Here's how they turned out...Pretty cute right? All I did was glue the buttons to the end of the bobby pin. The closed side that is. Hot gluing the open end wouldn't do much except give you a button on a stick. We want to be functional after all don't we? I gave a few to my mom and kept some for myself. Their easy and casual. Just thought I would share the idea. Hope you find them pretty cute too...

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