Thursday, March 7, 2013

To all of You

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Rarely do I ever sit down at my computer at 7:09pm and write a blog post.
I just have so much tugging on my heart strings. So much that is dying to get out.

To the two people that fell in love and created a son, and then a daughter

To the person that showed me that love truly is unconditional

To the teacher that visited during the summer to make sure 2x2 was mastered

To the dad that taught me that if I could ride on two wheels, I could rule the world

To the woman that fights every single day for women less fortunate

To the girl friend that taught me that a box of wine is cheap but never disappoints

To the boy that taught me that love shows up in unexpected english class

To the girl that taught me innocence is indeed bliss

To the mom that taught me how beautiful diversity is

To the friend that taught me life always goes on

To the cousin is preparing to bring a "little" into the world

To the blog friends that prove its not about how many people read this post

To the grandparents that never turned down a garage party, or a chocolate malt

To the elderly man that never fails to send a card, every week

To the brother that wasn't afraid to call dad because "I had to learn the hard way"

-----------> Your love has never failed me. <------------------ And every day it never fails to amaze me how much I have learned. And guess what? I'm only 19. I have so much more to be taught. I challenge you to think of all the big ((and small)) things that you learn throughout the day and throughout the grand scheme of this crazy, crazy world.


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