Monday, November 12, 2012

Lets catch up over a box of thin mints

A lot has been going on. Lets catch up. Feel free to indulge in a box of thin mints like I have already covered.

Its about that time to sign up for classes for next semester. I don't understand why this process becomes so stressful. They give you a time and a date that you can register and its a mad dash with people running across campus to get to a computer. It also seems to be that your computer completely malfunctions when you click "add" next to that class that has only one seat left. So at 11:00 on thursday, be thinking about me sitting at my computer having several small mental meltdowns. (say that 5 times fast)

Also on thursday, Dalton and I are headed to Madison to see the Broadway Musical Jersey Boys. Im surprisingly really looking forward to this. His whole family is going and we are going to have a nice dinner and get all dressed up. I like occasions to look fancy. Dalton on the other hand is not very excited about the "dressing up portion."

In other news... The dorm building that Dalton and I live in had the most bizarre thing happen this weekend. Someone was cooking meth in their dorm room. Yes. Cooking meth in a dorm room. Supposedly its the latest fad to cook meth out of a liter water bottle but I don't think that the end result is supposed to be a fire in a trash can followed by 600 residents having to evacuate at 2am. All that and now he gets to spend some time in the slammer. I guess dorm life may have prepared him for that life? Nah. I don't think so.

Daltons mom's house is really coming along. Its amazing how quickly everything goes once the drywall is finished. It has been so much fun being apart of the process. This weekend Dalton and a few friends worked on laying some of the wood flooring.



His mom has the best decorating taste and she found some old barn boards from a farmer. I almost fainted when I saw the finished product.
barn board walls

We also carved our names into the concrete while it was still wet.


Dalton let us get in the lift and he hoisted us up over the lake.


Thanksgiving is just around the corner. I haven't seen too many black friday ads yet but I am excited to create my plan of attack on that crazy morning. Do you know any websites that share the ads early? Im impatient.

And I will leave you with a picture of my step dad in honor of Veterans Day. He's the best. Thanks Jim.


Im linking up here.


1 comment:

  1. What a sweet picture of your dad! Please send me some thin mints! lol xoxo


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