Thursday, August 2, 2012

Admitting weakness

You know that dreaded question in an interview. We have all had it.
"what is your greatest weakness."


Now don't get me wrong, I do have plenty of weaknesses. But most of them are things that a future employer wouldn't want to hear.

I don't like to work on the weekends.

Or holidays.

You get the point.

So when I was asked that in my most recent interview I first sat there like an idiot. Then I quickly tried to think of something. I didn't want her to think that I thought I was the I decided to say "well, I am not very organized." It was the only thing that came to mind.

A few minutes later she offered me the job and told me we needed to schedule an appointment to do a drug test. I then proceed to pull out my extremely organized weekly planner.

"Your very organized aren't you, Ali?"

Yes. Yes I am.

But as I have finished my first year in college and have continued to work at my current job, I have realized my greatest weakness.

Ready for it?

I am really bad at hearing that I didn't do something right.

I either get really defensive or really sad.

The other day I was told that I wasn't correctly cutting the lemon leaf for the over 100 arrangements that I had already done. It was one of those I'm gonna keep swallowing to avoid the tears running down my face. And when it rains it poors.

I cut the carnations too short. Seriously?

I felt anger and defeat. I know how to cut carnations.
Maybe they were a little too short.

The first step is admitting your weakness right?

Step 1. Check

Feel free to let me know what you think. Do you have the same problem? What is your greatest weakness? How have you overcome it?


1 comment:

  1. I totally understand your pain!
    Whenever I go to interviews they always ask me that and I always end up making something up that is totally not true! I think the weakness question needs to be banned from any and all interviews!

    Anyway, I hope you are doing well!!

    jamie brooke


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