Thursday, May 3, 2012

Guilty Pleasures.

You know those things that we don't like to admit about ourselves? Ya, I have several. But writing this blog is about sharing every part of my life right? Yep. Even the sometimes hard to admit guilty pleasures.So lucky for me, Dalton (my boyfriend) loves everything outdoorsy and doesn't watch very much T.V. I mean hardly ever.Does this tell you my guilty pleasure for today?

Dun. Dun. Dun. (In an evil voice)
Its the T.V.

I am admitting to the world that I watch too much T.V. That wasn't so bad was it? Nah. I feel like every year I have more and more 'shows' that I have to watch. And this year was no exception. I usually watch Bravo,TLC,Oxygen,and of course local channels. One good thing about my T.V. obsession (yikes that was hard to type) is that I do watch a lot of news. During the day I always have MSNBC on while I'm doing homework, cleaning, etc. I find that so many people my age don't know whats going on in the world and that drives me nuts. How can you be so oblivious to the news? Since Dalton doesn't watch very much T.V. and I don't see him all week long (due to this college thing) I just may see a correlation. No Dalton, Lots of T.V. Lots of Dalton, No T.V. This means that I can honestly say that on the weekends and in the summer I watch little to no T.V. So its not one of those obsessions (still hard) that keeps me from living my everyday life, its just a nice little distraction from the real world. I mean how can I resist the Real Housewives?
Well as school winds down hopefully I will be turning off the T.V. too.

I will leave you with a few of my new favorite shows that I just discovered...(Because why wouldn't I?)

I recently found these new shows on CMT. You can check them out here.

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