Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Island Time Part 2

You can read part one of the vacation here.

We ventured to Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville for one afternoon. Let me just say, you have to be a millionaire to drink at that place for an afternoon. You also must have a trillion dollars if you want to buy a t-shirt. I swallowed my penny pinching ways and ordered a ten dollar drink (yes you read that right) and bought a $30 dollar T-shirt. (Yes, you also read that right)

None the less. It was a great time complete with shots from a man on stilts and giant slides for free beers. Dalton was willing to do just about anything for a free drink at that place. What can I say, that makes my penny saver self very giddy.

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Caution: Objects in photo are smaller than they appear.
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Take me back. Please. Ill even promise to buy another $10 drink. Thats pure dedication.


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Island Time {Part 1}

So today was my second day back at school. Im exhausted. But I truly have missed the blogging world the past few weeks. Another thing I'm missing? Jamaica.

After New Years, Dalton and I took a trip to Jamaica with two of our friends and Daltons grandparents. It was nothing short of absolutely amazing.

We stayed in a charming villa right on the ocean. It was built in the 50's by Elizabeth Taylor where she stayed with one of her many husbands. Not much about the decor has changed which was absolutely fine with me. The antique charm was so unique.

Dalton's grandparents have been coming to this villa for over 30 years. They knew the town of Ocho Rios and the Villa Kima like it was their second home. Daltons grandpa even said it was his favorite place in the world. And believe me, they have traveled just about everywhere.

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I mean how can you deny that view?

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Grandmas poker face.
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The evenings were full of Euchre, Scattegories, and Taboo. Oh, and wine and Red Stipe.

We were lucky enough to have a wonderful staff at the villa that included a cook, a maid, a gardener, and a night guard. But these people felt like family by the time we left the villa on the last day. They welcomed us to Jamaica and to Villa Kima and they said goodbye with big smiles and big Jamaican hugs.

We had so many little excursions during our 10 day trip. I didn't want to jam all of our vacation into one post so I thought this was a good place to start. The rest of the vacation will follow in future posts.

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